Sewing for fun
I thought I'd start a blog that runs alongside the shop as a way to keep everyone up to date with the latest shop news and upcoming designs but also to post about other non-shop-related sewing.
Over lockdown like many my sewing mojo disappeared a bit at times and I was less enthusiastic about well, everything. And not sewing because I felt a bit flat and uninspired is ultimately counter-productive because the one thing that always makes me feel more positive is making something with my hands (usually sewing although I finally painted the bathroom this week and after months of procrastinating and that made me feel pretty euphoric too). I've done a bit of reading about the positive effects of sewing and it qualifies as a mindful activity as it requires full focus, being present in the moment and the sense of achievement in completing a project or mastering a new technique can boost self esteem.
As a result I made the decision to sew as much as possible and I thought by posting about it here it would encourage me to keep going and hopefully it might inspire one or two people too.
One of the projects I've really enjoyed recently has been my Modern Quilt Club Mystery Quilt subscription. The boxes of pre-cut pieces with instructions arrive monthly and I had let a few of the boxes build up (in my sewing slump) and so I could tackle them all and get up to date over a couple of days. When you just want to sew and just get on with it without a lot of decisions to make first (what to make, what fabric to use, is there enough, do I need to order more etc) then Lisa's subscription boxes are perfect. This is the second one I've done and I have now pieced the entire quit top and it's ready for basting. I don't actually have a proper photo of it to post though as the weather has been so awful lately but as soon as it is I'll post it on here.
I also have a scrap quilt on the go too as my scraps box is getting out of hand and the space in my workshop is very much needed for new kit components so it's both therapeutic and practical! There were a lot of off-cut pieces of the pearl colour solid fabric I use in my kits piled up and, inspired by a picture of some square tiles of irregular thickness I saw somewhere (late at night scrolling through Instagram no doubt), I wanted to make a quilt from 4inch pearl squares with a stripe of mainly blue but some green scrap fabric along one side. It's a really simple design but I've been wanting to matchstick quilt something for so long and I thought this would be the perfect project.
The 4in (unfinished) squares are then sewn together into 4x4 blocks, I have made four blocks so far.
So that is what's going on at the moment and this weekend hopefully there will be chance to get the Modern Quilt Club quilt top photographed and then basted. I've said it here so I have to do it.
That's all for now and hopefully the next post won't be quite as long!