Filming Demonstrations

Over the last 6 weeks I've been filming short toy making demonstrations and posting one each Tuesday onto my Facebook page and later uploading them onto the Two Owls YouTube channel to keep them all together.

The videos are intended to give helpful tips and de-mystify toy making as much as possible and show how to achieve professional results. I've been making toys for over 20 years and in that time and have landed on a few favoured techniques and methods.

After a bit of trial and error (the error mainly being me becoming absorbed in the sewing, forgetting that it needs to be clearly filmed and working away just off camera and so not actually demonstrating anything) I now have a pretty reliable set up for filming and editing the videos. It's not particularly sophisticated as you can see and just involves a photo tent and a phone holder clamped to the desk but it is easy, convenient to use and allows full focus to be on the sewing (whilst also trying to remember to keep everything in shot!).

My most recent video demonstrated how to finish the thread off neatly once facial embroidery had been completed and came about as a few people had requested it over on my Facebook page. If there is any aspect of toy making you'd like to see demonstrated then drop me a comment on here or over on FB and I'll get onto it!

Running your own business is learning one new 'skill' after the other but this is one of the more fun ones. Not so much when a demo is almost complete and an accidental elbow to the phone holder makes it look like and earthquake is taking place or having to record the voice-over for the 300th time because yet again a vital piece of info was missed out - or one of the kids popped in to ask if there are any more biscuits. But better than admin, for sure.


1 comment

  • Thanks Jo, just watched your demo on Annie Doll face, feel like I can have a go at this now. Thanks again Therese

    Therese Brown

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